When Algorithms Attack

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Googling for African-American names produces ads that ask: "Arrested?" Prospective Grindr users are told that they would also be interested in locating sex offenders. Amazon thinks that rea...
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Christian Sandvig
Steelcase Research Professor
University of Michigan
Christian Sandvig is Steelcase Research Professor and Associate Professor in Communication and Information at the University of Michigan. He is also a Faculty Associate of the Berkman Center for In...
Show the restKarrie Karahalios
Assoc Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Karrie Karahalios is an Associate Professor in Computer Science and Co-director of the Center for People and Infrastructures at the University of Illinois where she heads the Social Spaces Group. H...
Show the restLaura Moy
Sr Policy Counsel
New America Foundation's Open Technology Institute
Laura is an attorney at nonprofit tech policy organization Public Knowledge, where she advocates in Congress and government agencies for balanced copyright policies that encourage creativity, colla...
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