An AI Future: It's Not What You Think

ATTENTION: This session requires advance signup to attend. For Online Schedule: Please utilize the RSVP link below the description to reserve your seat. For SXSW GO App: Use the RSVP 'Find a Timeslot' link. You must have a SXSW Interactive, Gold, or Platinum badge to attend, and, you must have an activated SXsocial account ( to reserve a seat. If you have any issues with signing up, please email VERY IMPORTANT: Because of the limited space, we recommend you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the published start time of this session. If you have not checked in at the room you RSVPed for at least five minutes prior to the session start time, you may lose your seat to an attendee in the waiting list line.
There have long been strong opinions on either side of the artificial intelligence debate; some people rave about its advantages while others can’t get past visions of machines systematical...
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Amanda Coolong
Context & Narrative
Ben Medlock
As co-founder and CTO of SwiftKey, Dr Ben Medlock invented the intelligent keyboard for smartphones and tablets that has transformed typing on touchscreens.
The company is best known for its sma...
Show the restLane Wood
Chief Mktg Officer
Raj Singh
Tempo AI Inc
Raj Singh is a mobile industry veteran, having worked across the space over the past 14 years. He is founder and CEO of venture-backed Tempo AI focused on developing a smart calendar. In 2011, Temp...
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