Secrets to Powerful APIs
In this session, you'll hear about what's new in API development from some of today's most popular APIs including GitHub, SoundCloud, IFTTT, and Dropbox. We'll discuss the design decisions we made with our APIs as well as what we're working on now. We'll debate the merits of RESTful APIs and whether we chose to develop SDKs for our APIs. We'll also discuss user authentication, privacy and security, and the OAuth protocol. It's important for APIs to work cross-platform so we'll discuss how we're working with both web and mobile APIs. Expect to hear a lot about what we're working on at the moment and where we see APIs going in the future.
Erik Michaels-Ober
Developer Evangelist
Erik Michaels-Ober is the Developer Evangelist at SoundCloud, based on Berlin.
Jim Heising
Head of Platform
Jim Heising is a full-stack software engineer and entrepreneur with 20 years experience in leading and building software products and companies ranging from eCommerce, to Mobile platforms, to the I...
Show the restNeil Mansilla
VP Developer Rel
Wynn Netherland
Wynn Netherland has been building the web for nearly twenty years. With a passion for API user experience, he’s a prolific creator and maintainer of Ruby API wrappers. He now spends his days hackin...
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