Why Does the Internet Hate Women?

This panel makes the case that online harassment against women must be characterized as gender violence with huge impact to human rights and free speech. No one is safe from online harassment, but there is a huge difference between the way men and women are affected by this problem in online discussions. Men usually have their competence and skills questioned, whereas attacks against women are mostly sexually related. They range from critics to her appearance to even rape threats, and they are widespread. The case of Anita Sarkeesian and Caroline Criado-Perez are only two high-profile examples of the millions of aggression suffer online every day. The cost to society is enormous: they undermine the dignity of women, reduce them to sexualized bodies and delegitimize their voices as citizens. The result is detaching them from online discussions and suppressing their opinions or contributions to society (from bold activism actions to simple tasks as creating YouTube videos about fashion).

Amanda Luz
Editora Abril
Amanda Luz is the editor-in-Chief of MdeMulher, the biggest website network for female audience in Brazil. Working with a dozen magazine brands that reaches a great number of Brazilian women, she i...
Show the restJuliana de Faria
Think Olga
Juliana de Faria is a Brazilian journalist and founder of Think OLGA, a feminist think tank focused on empowering Brazilian women that promotes workshops, panels, meetings, books, crowdsourcing pro...
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