Church and Tech: The Unlikely Union Yields Real Help

An African American church leader and a Jewish digital entrepreneur walk into a bar… In this session, we’ll explore the unlikely (and some may say unholy) partnership forged between faith-based leaders and the lesbian-led, disruptive digital startup Benevolent. During this time of intense social action around African American communities, now is a critical time to consider where the tech world fits and stands. Join this session for real talk about what it takes to help people in American overcome challenges and how two vastly different leaders see the potential to forge real change and progress. In this conversation, Diane Johnson brings the church background including the soul and personal guidance while Benevolent founder Megan Kashner brings technology and a crowd of caring strangers. Come to this session to ask hard questions, draw inspiration and consider how your talents can combine with unlikely allies’ to impact people’s lives in important ways.

Diane Johnson
Pres & Founder
Mmapeu Management Consulting
Dr. Johnson has almost 30 years experience in the business, public and social sectors in a multitude of roles. She has been a program director, a researcher, a trainer, a corporate communications s...
Show the restMegan Kashner
Founder & CEO
Megan Kashner, LSCW, MBA, Ticked Off Social Worker, Founder & CEO of Benevolent is a seasoned nonprofit leader with more than 20 years of strategic management, community partnership building and or...
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