Hacking the Hackathon for the Social and Civic Good
We all know what hackathons are about. But what if we don’t?
In the last two years, civic hackathons have been popping up across the US, breathing new life into what has traditionally been a commercial concept. These civic hackers focus not only on building new apps with open data, but also on expanding the ability of less technically-proficient users to interact with the data driving decisions in their communities.
Now, this shift away from prize money all-nighters toward technological volunteerism has manifested as blended civic and social good hackathons with projects largely driven by activists and non-profit organizations in need of solutions, support, or expertise they do not have the resources to acquire on their own.
By reimagining hackathons into platforms for social innovation you create the opportunity for digital creatives to come forward with their core talents and skill sets in order to address local issues through a focus on community-sourced solutions.
Claire Dunn
Digital Producer
Claire J. Dunn is a project manager at St. Edward’s University and serves as lead organizer for ATX Hack for Change. In both roles, she delights in creating connections and facilitating understandi...
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