Right Brain Leadership

For years, the global marketplace has been driven by left brain leadership. Now, the tide is turning. In a time of never-before-seen problems, the world needs never-before-seen solutions. The complex nature of today's social climate, economy, and institutions calls for the vision and perspective that a new generation of creative thinkers provides. However, the world needs more than creative thinkers. The world needs creative doers.
Roy and Mac will draw on their diverse backgrounds to explore how creatives can harness strengths to spur action and lead people. They will offer practical insight into ways that creative leaders can shape organizations that strike the powerful balance between dreaming and productivity.
Mac Richard
Spur Leadership
Mac Richard founded Spur Leadership in 2009, looking to create a space where leaders from the marketplace, politics, academia, faith-based institutions, and nonprofit work could discuss universal l...
Show the restRoy Spence
Co-Founder, Chairman
GSD&M & The Purpose Institute
Roy Spence is chairman and CEO of GSD&M Idea City, a leading national marketing communications and advertising company. Under Roy’s leadership and their Purpose-based Branding philosophy, the agenc...
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