Crowd Sharing: Crowd Funding and Sourcing in Games

Crowd funding is often now hailed as a potential savior to our industry, a way to free developers from the shackles of publishers, a way to make very specific products for very specific audiences, etc. What seems to be missing though is ongoing dialogue about building this into a self-sustaining ecosystem of development where the crowd is sharing, not just funding and sourcing. Crowd sharing starts with crowd funding, then adds the layer of crowd sourcing where the community can contribute content to the game. The final step is an attempt to turn the entire process into a loop. This loop requires at least two things: Compensation for effort and sharing of assets. Using my experience on Shroud of the Avatar, the third-highest crowd funded game ever, I will talk about the various ways you can make working with the crowd a sustainable loop using specific examples, supplementing with funding statistics that show correlation between these activities and fundraising.
Starr Long
Exec Producer
Portalarium Inc
Starr Long has been making video games for over 20 years, partnering with visionaries like Richard Garriott and Lane Merrifield. Starr started his career at Origin Systems, where he directed Ultima...
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