Excess Flesh

Jill is obsessed with her new roommate Jennifer, a promiscuous and sexy hotshot in the LA Fashion scene. New to the city and recently single, Jill is unable to keep up as she binges and purges to stay thin; eventually hating herself and everyone around her. Her jealousy and rage spiral out of control -- Jennifer has everything, and Jill wants to be just like her. If Jill can’t BE Jennifer, she must destroy her.
Section: Midnighters
Premiere Status: World Premiere
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2015
Runtime: 103min
Director: Patrick Kennelly
Executive Producer: Dennis Garcia
Producer: Leo Garcia, Patrick Kennelly
Screenwriter: Sigrid Gilmer, Patrick Kennelly
Cinematographer: Benjamin Conley
Editor: Patrick Kennelly & Cristina Bercovitz
Production Designer: Liz Toonkel
Sound Designer: Jonathan Snipes
Music: Jonathan Snipes
Additional Credits: co-producer: Simona Kessler, line producer: Sarah Archuleta, costume designer: Amanda Wing Yee Lee, makeup & prosthetics designer: Jill Fogel
Principal Cast: Bethany Orr, Mary Loveless, Wes McGee, Sheresade Poblet, Jill Jacobson, Dana L. Wilson, Kristin Minter, Robert Maffia, Jules Bruff, Juan Riedinger
Director Bio

Patrick Kennelly writes, produces, directs, designs, and curates for film & video, theater, and the performance and visual arts. In his highly stylized and darkly surreal genre-infused works, Kennelly explores issues of social, cultural and personal identity and subjectivity. More about his work can be found at www.patrickkennellyunmarked.com
Sales Agent: Circus Road Films (North American Sales)
Public Film Contact
Patrick Kennelly
(661) 993-3913
Publicity Contact
Linda Brown