From Alien to Alien: Isolation

Spanning both Film and Interactive, this panel will explore how game developer Creative Assembly translated the cinematic world of Ridley Scott’s ALIEN (1979) into the immersive world of ALIEN: ISOLATION (2014). We will explore the production design, sound design and the aesthetics of world building in both the film and the video game. The panel will showcase artwork, sound files, music cues and clips from the film and video game throughout the discussion. Alien: Isolation is the first game of its kind to successfully immerse the player into the world of a classic motion picture and we invite you to come explore how they did it with Creative Director Al Hope. This is a panel for fans of the landmark film and the critically acclaimed video game.
Alistair Hope
Creative Dir
Creative Lead of ALIEN: ISOLATION Video Game Developer, Creative Assembly veteran, Game Designer, Art Director and sometime DJ
Mark Bristol
Static Line Productions
Mark Bristol has moved back and forth between video games and feature films for nearly twenty years. As a Storyboard Artist he has worked on over fifty feature films including Mission: Impossible 5...
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