2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

The Quantified Us

Friday, March 13
4:00PM - 4:15PM

Austin Convention Center
Ballroom B
Austin Convention Center

What lies at the intersection of the Quantified Self (QS), with its emphasis on individual metrics, and Big Data, with its emphasis on aggregating data from large populations? In this session, research and healthcare design expert, Matthew Jordan will highlight a new opportunity for wearables and sensor data. Dubbing it as the opportunity of The Quantified Us, he will argue that merging QS insights with larger sets of relevant data could accelerate behavior change and better health outcomes. Jordan will distinguish among the three levels of meaning from QS data—from measurement to insights and action. He will discuss how overlaying QS data with system, environmental, or population data allows us to develop a richer understanding of what triggers certain conditions or behavior. Drawing from 20 years of experience, and his work on Dialog, a wearable platform for people with epilepsy, Matthew will talk about the role of wearables and data in managing and understanding chronic conditions.


#sxsw #healthdata


Matthew Jordan

Dir Research & Strategy


Matthew Jordan is Director of Research and Strategy at Artefact, an award-winning technology design and innovation company. Matthew has been consulting in the healthcare industry for close to 20 ye...

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Sonic Bids

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