Mentor Session: Stephen Land
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Stephen Land
Creative Dir/Writer
Stephen began preparing for a career in advertising at the age of four by watching copious amounts of television. And not just PBS, but the really good stuff like Little Rascals, Green Acres and Petticoat Junction. At the same time, he watched movies—lots and lots of movies ranging from Bambi to Patton. While his mom thought he was rotting his brain he was actually developing an appreciation and talent for storytelling, a talent that would serve him well in his future career.
Then came the Atari and the Commodore 64, which set him on a lifelong path of gaming and technology and eventually building his own computers from scratch. He’s passionate about picking the parts, learning about all the technology and troubleshooting problems until he’s built a PC just the way he wants it.
Today, Stephen takes advantage of his pop culture and gaming background to create marketing campaigns of all kinds from banners and websites, to TV and experiential. Many of our clients have benefited from Stephen's unique knowledge including Chili's, the United States Air Force, John Deere and NAMCO BANDAI. Prior to GSD&M, Stephen worked at Digitas, Deutsch, Grey and Tracy Locke. Stephen’s past clients include American Express, Pepsi, Chase, Oracle, Aquafina and numerous others. His awards and recognition include the One Show, the Clios, Communication Arts Advertising and Interactive Annuals, the FWA, Webbys, Ad Tech and a number of ADDYS.