Infinite Future: Beyond Cyber & Hyper - Part 1
Science fiction explores our wildest dreams and biggest fears about the future of technology, spurring us on to greater ideas and grander possibilities. But sci-fi is equally concerned with the challenges of the present. As we continue to reach and surpass some of science fiction's most extraordinary speculative technologies, have we kept pace morally and ethically?
Distinguished authors Warren Ellis, Daniel Suarez, and other guests and will join the Media Lab on stage for a discussion of cyborgs, dystopias, surveillance, AI, and everything in between. In addition, the MIT Media Lab grad students will present prototypes built from descriptions of technologies from some of sci-fi’s greatest works. See speculative technology turned into reality!

Daniel Suarez
Daniel Suarez
Daniel Suarez is the author of the New York Times bestseller Daemon, Freedom™, Kill Decision, and Influx. A former systems consultant to Fortune 1000 companies, he has designed and developed software for the defense, finance, and entertainment industries. With a lifelong interest in both IT systems and creative writing, his high-tech and sci-fi thrillers focus on technology-driven change.
Daniel is a past speaker at TED Global, MIT Media Lab, NASA Ames, the Long Now Foundation, and the headquarters of Google, Microsoft, and Amazon -- among many others.

Warren Ellis
WARREN ELLIS is a graphic novelist, author and columnist. His current novel, GUN MACHINE, available now from Mulholland Books, is being developed for television. His first non-fiction book, and his first digitally-serialised novella, both from FSG, are due in 2014. RED and RED 2, starring Bruce Willis and Helen Mirren, were adapted from his graphic novel of the same name.