Do Algorithms Dream of Viral Content?
At Upworthy, Eli Pariser has designed a hella fast growing news site, using careful curation, point of view and crafty headline arts to engage people in serious news.
We'll talk about the nature of viralness, feedback and quality and ask, what happens when algorithms are smart enough to figure out what smart content is?
We will also discuss the soul of the new machine, whether computers are actually better at chess (or headlines) than humans and Why Everyone All Of The Sudden is Talking Like This.
Look for a showdown on humans vs. robots, algorithms vs. editors, data vs. intuition. And a spirited discussion on whether there should be a Pulitzer for most viral content.
This discussion is what happens when two lesbians have a baby, someone write an amazing headline about it, builds a business based on the concept and then shows up at SxSW.

David Carr
The New York Times

Eli Pariser
Eli Pariser is an online organizer and disorganizer. He’s the co-founder and CEO of Upworthy, the former Executive Director of MoveOn (he now serves on the board), a co-founder of, and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Filter Bubble.