Great Teachers, & Why They're Here to Stay
As massively open online courses (MOOCs) become wildly popular, many have advocated a future of learning without teachers. But great teachers are still critical for learning. In this talk, Charlie Stigler (founder of education-technology startup Zaption, and 2012 Thiel Fellow) will talk about the role of teachers and coaches, how that role is changing, and the continuing importance of that role. He will support his talk with anecdotes from his experiences as a student, as a Thiel Fellow dropping out of school, and as an ed-tech entrepreneur co-founding Zaption.

Charlie Stigler
Charlie Stigler is the founder of education-technology startup Zaption. One of Peter Thiel’s “20 Under 20” fellows, Charlie left the computer science program at Columbia University to start Zaption. Charlie's previous work includes the open-source study application SelfControl. In his free time Charlie is a competitive long-distance runner and an amateur hang-glider pilot.