Make Yourself Big: How the Body Shapes the Mind
Professor Amy Cuddy’s fascinating experimental research reveals how your nonverbal behavior not only affects how others see you; it also affects how you see yourself, your testosterone and cortisol levels, risk tolerance, performance, and important life outcomes. Humans and non-humans express confidence and power through open, expansive postures, known as power poses (think: Wonder Woman). Power posing – for as little as two minutes before a stressful performance -- can actually alter an individual at the biological level, preparing the brain to perform well in high-stakes situations. Learn about the science behind this minimal self-nudge, and how it is being used in leadership training, athletic coaching, managing chronic pain, reducing test anxiety, debate preparation, confronting prejudice, anti-bullying interventions, and even horse training. In Cuddy’s session you’ll discover how your body shapes your mind, your mind shapes your behavior, and your behavior shapes your outcomes.

Amy Cuddy
Assoc Professor
Harvard Business School
Social psychologist Amy Cuddy, Associate Professor at Harvard Business School, uses experimental methods to investigate how people judge each other and themselves. Her research suggests that judgments along two critical trait dimensions – warmth/trustworthiness and competence/power – shape social interactions, determining such outcomes as who gets hired and who doesn’t, when we are more or less likely to take risks, why we admire, envy, or disparage certain people, elect politicians, or even target minority groups for genocide. Cuddy’s recent work focuses on how we embody and express these two traits, linking our body language to our hormone levels, our feelings, and our behavior.