The Entrepreneurship of Philanthropy
In today's world, we are all philanthropists. Susan will lead a lively and engaging discussion on how our new social era is enabling such a dynamic. From Razoo to Crowdrise to Global Giving to Catapult, we can all play a role in making the world a better place. As SXSW change agents, let's spend an engaging session discussing how ca we each be doing our part. Whether we volunteer our time, fund various nonprofits, sign up and participate in running races and bike-a-thons, it is become increasingly easier to support various causes.

Susan McPherson
McPherson Strategies
Susan McPherson is a serial connector, passionate cause marketer, angel investor, and corporate responsibility expert. Recently, she launched McPherson Strategies, a communications consultancy focusing on the intersection between brands and social good. She’s a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review, Triple Pundit and Forbes and has 20+ years experience in marketing, public relations, and sustainability communications. She is a featured speaker at industry events including Net Impact, Center for Corporate Citizenship's Annual Summit, Sustainable Brands, and Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy's Summit. McPherson founded and hosts the bi-weekly #CSRChat on Twitter.
Currently, McPherson invests in, and advises technology start-ups, including ZADY,, Positive Luxury,, and The Daily Muse. She serves on the boards of 10×10, a social action campaign/platform funded by Intel to expand girls’ education in the developing world and Bpeace, a nonprofit dedicated to assisting women in regions of conflict and post-conflict start businesses. She is also a member Social Media Week’s New York Advisory Council. Additionally, she serves as an adviser to several non-profits, including Girls Who Code, Plant A Fish, She’s The First, The Adventure Project, and The OpEd Project. Recently, McPherson was selected as a Vital Voices global corporate ambassador and was named as one of 40 Women to Watch Over 40 and Fast Company's 25 Smartest Women of Twitter