Mentor Session: Paolo Privitera
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL to sign up -

Paolo Privitera
CEO & Founder
Paolo Privitera, Pick1 CEO and founder
CEO and Founder of Pick1 "Know Your Customers" - Polyhedric Human Network Router & Serendipity Innovator believing in Exponential Growth - part of Start-up Chile 500 Startups and Singularity University.
Polyhedric Lateral Thinker Human Network Router, Serendipity Innovator, 20 years in technology, 6 startups, 10+ awards, 1st company at 16 years old.
"Ahead of Number One" Paolo is a young technology entrepreneur and visionary, specializing in structuring progressive business models that capture the moment and stay on top of the future.
He speaks 4 languages and lives in between San Francisco New York Santiago and Venezia.
He adores to connect people, create serendipitous networking events around the world, power rollerskater, passionate photographer, chocolate and slow food addict, mentoring young entrepreneurs.
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