Mentor Session: Aristides Ioannides
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Aristides Ioannides
Pres & Chief Architect
Emerald Data Solutions Inc
In 2000, Mr. Ioannides developed Emerald Data Solution’s first eGovernance technology for Marietta City Schools in Georgia, and formally launched BoardDocs® nationally in 2002. As the Chief Software Architect of BoardDocs, Mr. Ioannides and his team have been able to deliver the premiere cloud-based Board Management System that is used by over 30,000 users to successfully manage over 100,000 public meetings to date. BoardDocs success is based on a combination of 5-star resort quality service, community driven feature development and powerful marketing. BoardDocs success is measured by record-breaking subscriber growth on top of 99% retention. Mr. Ioannides has been a guest speaker at the International City/County Management Association, the National School Boards Association and the American Association of School Administrators. He has also authored numerous articles and white papers and has been published in leading industry journals, including Network Computing.