Mentor Session: Michael Robin Manning
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL to sign up -

Michael Robin Manning
Mktg Dir
Rocksauce Studios
Raised in beautiful San Diego, California, I attended BYU-Idaho and attained a degree in Business Management and Culinary Arts. After graduating, l moved to Austin in order to take advantage of its eclectic mix of Technology, Food and Art.
l have lent my talents to various culinary institutions and customer service opportunities, before choosing to start my own endeavor, Eat Me Austin. While promoting my own delicious baked goods through Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and similar, I discovered a propensity and love for understanding the hard-analytics of SEO, SEM, and Social Outreach.
The best part about my job is meeting people, hearing about their ideas and watching the Rocksauce team bring it to life.
In 2012, Rocksauce Studios brought me on as their Marketing Manager, immediately seeing an up-turn in Klout score, Twitter followers, Ping-backs and pretty much any and all measurable social media metric.