Torture Porn: Why Trafficking Is Seducing Media
Frequently the subjects of erotic media, lately sex workers have taken center stage in a lurid tale designed to put them in jail and out of business. Anti-trafficking groups are using culture's fear of (and fascination with) sex and love of casting women as the victims in a tragic yet sexually charged story to give the mainstream media a narrative they can't resist.
Policies such as California’s Prop 35 are pushed to combat the alleged growing threat of human trafficking while threatening the privacy, safety, and dignity of those in the sex trade. Sex worker and advocate Alex (Sabrina) Morgan will uncover mainstream media’s fascination with sex slavery, how it impacts current policy and thought on sex work, how the sexualization of trafficking harms both sex workers and the coerced or trafficked, and how responsible journalists and sex workers’ rights advocates can effectively promote a message of consent and sexual justice to a media that discards nuance in favor of a juicy story.

Alex Morgan
Sex Worker & Advocate
Sabrina Morgan is a sex worker, an advocate, and a sexuality educator and facilitator. Fascinated with the places where society and sexuality intersect, she started out as a phone sex operator with an activist streak and a blog and has been practicing kink-focused sex work since 2005.
Her work in the sex trade has both fueled and funded her passion for sex workers' rights issues. It has also allowed her to work with others' sexuality in a very personal way, giving her a deft sensitivity to the needs of those exploring new facets of their sexual selves.
A firm believer in continuing education for sex workers and all adults exploring sex and relationships, Sabrina presents internationally on kink, sex work, media, advocacy, and policy at venues ranging from private workshops to conferences. She offers college lectures, group workshops, private coaching, and distance classes, and has shot sex ed videos for both Kink Academy and Passionate U.