Joan vs. Don: Female Leadership in Digital Agencies
Women in Digital: succeeding as a woman in digital agencies or in digital arms of agencies.
Our Core Conversation will be a exploration of gender roles in digital agency leadership. We want to discuss if digital agencies offer women more opportunity that traditional creative shops, where digichicks are making the biggest impact, the perception that women aren't as technical and if the the collaborative nature of interactive makes it easier or harder for women.
Please join us for a passionate discussion.

Liz Harper
TBWA\Digital Arts Network
Liz Harper is the General Manager and Head of Digital at Digital Arts Network Sydney (a TBWA business). Prior to landing in Australia in April 2013, she spent her formative years in Content Management at Crispin Porter + Bogusky (Miami and Boulder), before crossing the pond to London and joining BBH as a Strategic Business Lead.

Pam Scheideler
Dir of Digital Production
Deutsch LA
Pam is an integrated production veteran with over 15 years of interactive advertising experience. Currently the Director of Digital Production at Deutsch LA, Pam has run her own interaction production company and worked in leadership roles Google Creative Lab, JWT NY and Crispin Porter and Bogusky. Pam loves to talk about software development methodologies, crushes on developers (she married one) and has spent a lot of time in war rooms.