How New Technologies Have Transformed Orchestras
New technologies are transforming the orchestral industry, empowering entrepreneurial musicians and giving strong advantages to minimally staffed upstarts. Learn how it is increasingly possible for a single person, with limited financial resources, to achieve what used to require a staff of professionals in sales, marketing, programming and artistic administration.
Robust ticketing solutions, marketing/social media managers, dynamic web-design, mobile computing, powerful databasing, analytics and their strategic integration through cloud computing and API, have made it possible for new orchestras like the Dallas Chamber Symphony to thrive, while avoiding many of the challenges that face its larger orchestral counterparts.
Richard McKay, founder and artistic director of the Dallas Chamber Symphony, discusses how these technologies were leveraged to create and advance a compelling artistic product throughout the DCS's critically acclaimed inaugural season.

Richard McKay
Artistic Dir & Conductor
Dallas Chamber Symphony
Now serving as the Artistic Director of the Dallas Chamber Symphony, Richard McKay is an active conductor of the symphonic and operatic repertory across the United States, Europe and South America. Recent conducting engagements have included performances with the Baltimore Chamber Orchestra, Mendoza Symphony, Tucumán Symphony, Estonian National Youth Symphony, Sinfonia Bucuresti, and the Orchestra and Solisti at CCM Spoleto. He is slated to conduct at the American Academy of Conducting at Aspen.
Mr. McKay has held positions as Cover Conductor of the Dallas Symphony and Baltimore Symphony, where he assisted such conductors as Robert Spano, Günther Herbig and Carlos Kalmar, among others. He earned his doctorate in orchestral conducting with Gustav Meier & Markand Thakar at the Peabody Conservatory, where he held the position of Assistant Conductor of the Peabody Conservatory orchestras and opera. He was also a recipient of scholarships and grants from the Mari’s Fund Foundation and the Peabody Institute, as well as the Peabody Opera Conducting Assistantship award in 2009.
A native of Texas, he earned his Master of Music degree in orchestral conducting, studying with Gerhardt Zimmermann and David Neely at The University of Texas at Austin. While at the University, he served as Music Director of the University Orchestra and conducted performances at the Butler Opera Center. Also at the University, he earned his Bachelor of Music degree in piano performance with David Renner. He graduated summa cum laude – with highest honors.
Always an advocate for new music, Mr. McKay has performed at the Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music, where he was invited by Marin Alsop to conduct the world premiere of Clint Needham’s Radiant Nation as part of the festival’s In the Works concert program. In 2010, he was personally selected by Kurt Masur to conduct a performance with the Manhattan School of Music Symphony Orchestra at his seminar in New York. Mr. McKay has also conducted performances at the Leigo Music Days Festival with Neeme and Paavo Järvi.