Personalized Health: Coming to a Screen Near You
As it stands today, we have a massive chronic health crisis affecting our country from the inside out. There is plenty of support for the coming revolution of the health care system but how do we get people to act upon this personal data?
We know that the main underlying drivers of chronic illness is our lifestyle choices and habits. Namely, what we do in-between doctor's visits in our day to day lives. The first step is to accurately capture this data on a personal level. Only then, can we shape and change our own habits to create better health and ultimately a better quality of life.
This discussion is centered around how we should present this personalized data to make it engaging, relevant, and most importantly, actionable. Just like any "action plan" for an enterprise, there should be a similar action plan for our personal wellness development.

Michael Olaya
CEO @ Pictrition

Taylor Pechacek
Prod Dev
Maxwell Health
Currently in product development at Maxwell Health. Interested in wellness and behavior design. What tools and information are individuals going to interact with as they become the center of the health care equation?
Interested in game theory, personalized health, behavioral economics, data visualization, computer science, and strategic thinking.