Smartphones to Healthphones: A Dr. in Your Pocket
Scanadu Founder Walter de Brouwer is an academic and scientist who sees the future of healthcare in smartphones. With advances in sensors, imaging and mobile technology allowing us to examine, and see, the human body like never before, Walter and his team are building the tricorder once imagined in Star Trek via the smartphone.
The first device is Scanadu Scout, a vital sign monitor and app that analyze, track, and trend your health data in 10 seconds. This data gives us accurate and actionable results to have educated conversations with our doctors. Scanadu is also researching non-invasive and non-threatening ways to collect data from saliva and urine with your smartphone.
Within a few years, our phones will passively collect data from our bodies and provide us with recommendations, reminders and potentially warnings that will change healthcare through consumer empowerment.
Join Walter de Brouwer as he demos Scout and discusses the smartphone’s role in redefining medicine.

Walter De Brouwer
Walter de Brouwer is a Belgian internet and technology entrepreneur, futurist, academic and scientist. He is the founder and CEO of Scanadu, a NASA Ames Research Center based company with the mission of making this the last generation to know so little about our health.
After a life-altering family medical emergency, de Brouwer founded Scanadu in 2010 to revolutionize home medicine and build the tricorder once imagined in Star Trek.
Prior to Scanadu, de Brouwer was CEO of One Laptop Per Child Europe and the founder of Starlab. De Brouwer earned a Masters degree in linguistics from the University of Ghent and a PhD in Semiotics from Tilburg University.