Glass: Game Changer for People with Disabilities?
Media and agencies are plagued with tunnel vision. They are stuck thinking about mundane use cases for wearables like Glass that are reminiscent of first phase mobile apps.
Wake up. Wearable tech has the potential for more impact than what brands are talking about. Let’s instead explore more complex use cases and look into how wearable tech can drastically improve lives of people with disabilities or special needs.
In this session we will explore how Glass and other wearables can unlock new possibilities for people with vision issues, hearing issues, or decreased mobility of their limbs. We’ll share real users’ stories, explore how wearable tech may address their needs, and look at what’s possible today versus looking into the future.

Jen Quinlan
Sr Dir of Mktg
Mutual Mobile
Jen Quinlan is specialized in interactive, mobile, and wearable technology. Jen is the Senior Director of Marketing at Mutual Mobile, an emerging technology software company headquartered in Austin, TX.
Jen's interested in pushing the boundaries of innovation while ensuring the experience crafted valuable to people (and they'll actually want to use). In conjunction with Mutual Mobile's CMO, Sam Gaddis, Jen help leads the company's roadmap of R&D projects and hackathons.
Jen's talk at SXSW 2014 will focus on wearable technology for people with disabilities. In early 2013 when Jen became more focused on wearables, she became increasingly aware of the potential for wearables to truly change lives of people of all shapes, sizes and needs.

JP Gownder
Forrester Research
J. P. Gownder is a vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research. He covers mobility, devices, and services, including topics like wearables, tablets, smartphones, and PCs. His research on enterprise and B2B2C business models for wearable computing has been covered in WIRED, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and many other publications. He is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Follow him on Twitter @jgownder.