How to Prototype & Innovate in the Real World
Building innovative physical gizmos in the real world has a unique set of challenges that makes it difficult to prototype ideas fast and iterate at lightning speed. If you want to have impact and get shit done, designing things from scratch and custom fabrication often takes too long. 3D printing is great, but often unnecessary if one is designing for rapid innovation. You can build innovative things quickly when taking advantage of easily purchased items and hacking things together with brute force and creativity. Finding the right balance of off-the-shelf solutions and custom design is key to providing maximum impact when innovating at high speeds on your projects.

Bartley Gillan
Hardware Startup Organizer & Hardware Hacker
Austin Hardware Startup Meetup
Bartley likes to smash creativity and engineering together to make awesome things that do cool stuff. Prototyping is his specialty where he builds all kinds of mechatronic, electrical, and intelligent systems with an eye towards product design and entrepreneurship.
Bartley recently built innovation on demand for major clients and invents awesome futuristic technology projects. He also co-founded and organizes the monthly Austin Hardware Startup Meetup to champion entrepreneurs and engineers to build companies around physical products. You can find him in sunny Austin, Texas eating tacos and inventing the future.