Mentor Session: David-Michel Davies
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David-Michel Davies
Webby Media Group
President of The Webby Awards, Cofounder of Internet Week and
DMD has devoted his career to championing and celebrating the very best of Internet culture.
At The Webbys, DMD has built a remarkable team that shares his passion. Together, they oversee the IADAS, a global membership network of more than 1,000 Internet experts who sift through cat photos, political blogs, robot videos, celebrity tweets and more to uncover the most innovative work on the Internet annually. Since taking over The Webby Awards as executive director in 2005, DMD and team have grown the award to be what the New York Times calls "the Internet's highest honor."
Dubbed "a master of things that are a little bit of a joke and a little bit serious" (!) by the New York Times, DMD has lectured to audiences at a diverse mix of conferences and companies including Intel, IDEO and the Institute for the Future.
DMD lives with his wife Stella Lee and sons Louis and Auguste in Brooklyn, NY.