The AUDIENCE Imperative: A Book Reading
Lost amidst today's swell of content marketing, mobile app development, and social media mayhem is a simple fact: there's more competition for consumer attention than ever before. As a result, "build it and they will come" is not a marketing strategy; it's a recipe for disaster.
Smart developers and marketers aren't leaving their success to chance. Instead, they're building proprietary audiences across email, mobile, social, and other web-based channels in order to generate "attention on demand." In so doing, they're reducing their dependence on paid media and turning audiences into assets for their companies.
In this session, Jeffrey K. Rohrs will share insights from his new book, AUDIENCE: MARKETING IN THE AGE OF SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS. Attendees will emerge with a clear understanding of the principles of Proprietary Audience Development and a leg up on the competition who remain wholly dependent on renting audiences from others.

Jeffrey Rohrs
VP, Mktg Insights
Author of AUDIENCE: MARKETING IN THE AGE OF SUBSCRIBERS, FANS & FOLLOWERS. Recovering attorney, bacon-lover, and Cleveland sports victim.