A Cloud of One's Own
Cloud technologies have transformed startup and business IT, but the benefits haven't filtered down to our personal use. What if I could mapreduce my home energy use, secure my accounts with the hundreds of sites that have my information, or plot my real life social graph and intelligently watch for unexpected events? In this group conversation we'll discuss some promising personal cloud technologies, explore some ideas for what the personal cloud could look like, and figure out what needs to be done to get from here to there.

Dave Sanford
Austin Computer Security
Dave Sanford has worked within the Internet industry as an engineer, engineering manager and consultant - focusing largely on protocol standards, security, system design and development. Dave continues to look for ways to use his technical, social and business background to support the creation of information systems allow us to self actualize our humanity.

Jeff Kramer
Sr Software Engineer
HP Cloud
A technical project lead at the HP Cloud, I work on systems to enable new types of software to run in the cloud. I'm interested in bots and AI development, as well as all the interesting stuff happening at the intersection of the cloud, tech, physical and bio spaces. Many years ago I created a Creative Commons catalog that was nominated for a Web Award, and helped organize some Polycot SXSW parties with the EFF, Creative Commons and EFF-Austin.