Capital vs. Talent
Every business must manage a fundamental conflict between individuals who control the means of production and individuals who operate those means to a profit. Roger Martin outlined this struggle in the classic HBR article “Capital Versus Talent: The Battle That’s Reshaping Business.”
Today, businesses are challenged by an added dimension: the rise of social media. Individuals seek global recognition by sharing insider viewpoints with the world and Talent has embraced the leverage of new tools. Management has tried to quell the rise of a workforce filled with “personal brands,” wondering what defenses remain to mitigate the risks of an employee base that is active in social media.
I’ll discuss how the best solution for Capital is counterintuitive -- brands are best off by wholly embracing social business. Far from condoning revolution, management can harness the collective efforts of seemingly self-guided individuals for corporate gain under the umbrella of “social business.”

Peter Kim
Chief Solutions Architect
Constellation Research
Peter is an advisor on social business and marketing strategy. He co-authored the book Social Business By Design and drives global industry discourse at and as @peterkim on Twitter.
Peter has been quoted by media outlets including CNBC, CNN, NPR, and The Wall Street Journal and featured as a speaker at events including SXSW, Web 2.0 Expo, and Enterprise 2.0. He was previously Chief Strategy Officer at Dachis Group, an analyst at Forrester Research, and head of international marketing operations, e-commerce, and digital marketing at PUMA AG.
Peter holds degrees from the Darden School at the University of Virginia and the University of Pennsylvania.