Tech & Art: Digital Innovation in the Art World
As deeply enmeshed as technology has become in our lives, there is one place where we still squint to read small labels, strain to hear static-filled audio guides, and wrestle with disorienting paper maps: the art museum. Well, we are on the cusp of a new experience as interactive designers begin to roll up their sleeves and re-envision how we experience art in the digital age. From the innovative Gallery One at the Cleveland Museum of Art to the Museum of Old and New Art in Tasmania, experience designers and curators are experimenting with how to enrich the typical journey through a museum. By exploiting iBeacons, location awareness, mobile, touch screens and Wii environments, we are on the verge of redefining how we look at and interact with art. We'll look at emerging best practices at museums and galleries all over the globe, discuss what works and what doesn’t, and delve into the larger question of technology’s role in experiencing art. Join us, won't you?

Leslie Wolke
Leslie Wolke Consulting
As an independent consultant, Leslie works at the intersection of design and technology to produce wayfinding websites and interactive tools to help people find their way in complex environments. She writes about design, architecture and technology and lives in Austin, Texas and NYC.