Mentor Session: Jessica Tunon
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Jessica Tunon
Resourceful quick study with a proven ability to communicate effectively across management levels and disciplines to build a bridge that connects vision and strategy within tight budgets, achieve consensus, and execute
innovative, sustainable initiatives in a wide variety or corporate and non-profit settings. In 2013 organized America/Walks CDC Walkability Workshop in Austin, Texas as co-founder of Beyond2ndNature leading to the
creation of the first standing Pedestrian Advisory Council (PAC) and WalkAustin, an America Walks-sponsored coalition 3 months later. The establishment of the PAC was step one of a nationwide movement to get Americans moving and being more active. I regularly attend workshops and conferences contributing to conversations, generate new ideas for future projects and planning for policy changes. Writing for Mobility Lab and
RideScout, I bring health and sustainability issues to a national audience to increase walkability and encourage active transportation solutions.
I am looking to connect, build and empower others to affect change in their communities that are committed to push our society forward in a line of environmental action, innovation, collaboration and social responsibility.My organizational skills combined with a heart for our future allows me to not only serve as a community organizer but a relentless visionary on the
environment and our quality of life.