Thumbs Up to Gesture-Controlled Electronics?
The growing number of three-dimensional motion and natural gesture-controlled consumer electronics on the market bring new challenges for user experience designers. This is especially true with regard to devices that are sold globally, as gesture preferences tend to vary as influenced by local culture. Join design ethnographer, Kelly Goto as she explores results of a recent 18 country study on global gesture control, conducted in partnership with the UX Fellows network (a global network of specialists focused on culture-specific user experience research). Hear the results of 360 face-to-face interviews with electronics-savvy users, exploring how people from various cultures spontaneously use gestures to control consumer electronics. Find out what the most frequent gestures are and discover the difficulties that were identified for each country. Join us to learn more about this emerging area of UX Design. Part of the IEEE Technology for Humanity Series.

Kelly Goto
Principal & Design Ethnographer
Kelly Goto founded gotomedia to create research-driven and people-friendly digital products and services. She pioneered the field of design ethnography to study context across devices and cultures. Goto is a frequent keynote speaker on user experience and contextual research. Her acclaimed book, Workflow that Works, is an industry standard worldwide.