Accurate, Fair & Safe: The Ethics of Social News
These days, reporting the news effectively and competitively would be virtually impossible without the powerful contributions of amateurs who witness major news developments — especially the ones that happen where professional journalists aren't.
Given their valuable role in the newsgathering process, are we treating citizen journalists the way we should?
Join a pair of veteran social journalists — Eric Carvin of The Associated Press and Mandy Jenkins of Digital First Media — in a wide-ranging conversation on the responsibilities news organizations have to citizen journalists. They'll bring up everything from credit and permissions for user-generated content to working with amateurs who may find themselves reporting in dangerous or even life-threatening circumstances.
Anyone who's ever been a citizen journalist is encouraged to contribute to the conversation, as are fellow professional journalists and interested members of the public.

Eric Carvin
Social Media Editor
Associated Press
Eric Carvin is the social media editor at The Associated Press, where he directs social strategy throughout AP’s global news operations. He oversees the use of social media to uncover breaking news, gather user-generated content, connect with readers and share AP content. He also guides AP’s 2,000-plus journalists as they use social in the pursuit of news.
Carvin, a 13-year AP veteran, has extensive experience with innovative and interactive storytelling. He ran Meltdown 101, an award-winning series that unraveled complex aspects of the economic crisis, as well as Ask AP, a column in which AP journalists answered readers’ questions about the news. He was the news editor of asap, an AP service that pursued innovative and multimedia approaches to news, and he edited “Far and Wide,” AP’s first news blog. He has played a number of other roles during his AP career, at times coordinating the AP report as a whole, at others editing national news copy or analyzing exit poll results.
In addition to his work at AP, Carvin was recently elected to the Online News Association's Board of Directors, where he hopes to enhance ONA's leadership in ethics and standards issues related to digital news. Relatedly, he recently co-founded a working group within ONA that's examining social newsgathering ethics.
Away from work, Carvin enjoys looking for berries in Central Park. (Though lately, he spends more of his spare time changing diapers and chasing a 1-year-old around the playground. Which he also enjoys.)

Mandy Jenkins
Managing Editor
Digital First Media
Mandy Jenkins is the Managing Editor for Digital First Media’s Project Thunderdome, overseeing daily operations for the company’s national newsroom, which publishes to more than 200 local outlets across the U.S. Mandy was previously Social News Editor for politics at The Huffington Post, and coordinated the company's citizen journalism program, OfftheBus. She was formerly the social media editor for Washington, D.C. local news startup TBD and has served in several roles in digital news for the Cincinnati Enquirer and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Mandy serves on the Board of Directors for the Online News Association and works part-time as a freelance consultant on social media training and strategy for newsrooms. Mandy is based in New York City.