Backyard Chicken & Eggs Meet Up
The Backyard Poultry Meetup Group is for people interested in backyard flocks of chickens, ducks, guineas, turkeys, geese, or other poultry for pets, eggs, meat, or exhibition. You just might be surprised at how many people living in your neighborhood are raising chickens and other poultry, in addition to gardening, composting, raising bees, and incorporating solar energy, rainwater harvesting and other clean and alternative energy solutions into their backyard food production.
If you are new to raising poultry, our members are always happy to share tips on getting started raising poultry. Chickens and other poultry are only one part of living a more sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle, so we also address more advanced topics of integrating poultry into general food production and environmentally conscious practices.
This meetup is under the 501(c)(3) Urban Poultry Association of Texas, Inc.

Michelle Hernandez
Urban Poultry Assoc
Michelle Hernandez is the Founder and Event Organizer of The Funky Chicken Coop Tour®, named in CNN's Top 10 Weird Tours in 2013. She is also the Organizer of the Austin and Central Texas Backyard Poultry Meetup, a free educational and social meetup. When not working on poultry-related projects, she is President of an IT consulting firm and has released the Pickin' Chicken iPhone App, which guides users to find the perfect chicken breeds for their own backyards.

Shane Crawford
Urban Poultry Association of Texas Inc
Full time Mac and iPhone developer. Part time gentleman farmer.