Economics & Online Dating: The Perfect Match
In the tradition of Naked Economics and The Undercover Economist, Stanford economist Paul Oyer offers a provocative, informative, and entertaining view of modern microeconomics-- using the lens of online dating.
Oyer argues that dating is all economics, having come to this conclusion once he turned his economist's eye to online dating after his own marriage ended. Oyer uses his own experiences and those of other users of dating sites to show just how modern economics works. In fact, he says, the behaviors driving online dating mimic those driving any other market--and so should be central to how business people at every level analyze their critical interactions. Oyer's take on everything from search, signaling, and cheap talk to statistical discrimination and thick markets are informative and will help anyone understand the intricacies of economics and the role they play everyday.

Paul Oyer
Fred H Merrill Professor of Economics
Stanford University Graduate School of Business
Fred H. Merrill Professor of Economics at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Labor Economics. Formerly professor at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.