Notdesign or What You Don’t Know
‘Notdesign – what you don’t know’ only concerns real life; not some perfect studio, no studio is perfect. Best never to trust a studio with a perfect paint job – it’s usually covering up rust.
We all know there are no perfect clients - we are all ultimately responsible for our clients and their behaviour, and the outcome of our projects. There's no perfect project, no Nirvana campaign or endeavour.
Imperfection is what makes our jobs and our output as designers interesting, and good ideas come from groups of people, rarely from individuals in a moment of pure inspiration.
The upshot of all this; there is no seer, no lone genius. These are all a fiction. Mixed teams are what make products great, not designers, or creatives, or developers working in huddles.
Notdesigners need to be included in our process; they’re very capable thinkers and problem solvers, they bring levity to our work, and we need to embrace them in order to succeed in the coming years.

Jonty Sharples
Design Dir
Jonty is Design Director at Albion London, an agency for entrepreneurial clients who want to develop businesses, brands and communications. Albion’s aim is to banish annoyance from advertising and generate experiences that people actually enjoy and want to talk about.
In 16 years as a designer, Jonty has been involved in the production of interfaces, products and services, across a wide range of outputs - for museums, console and mobile device manufacturers, financial institutions, emergency services, transport networks, charities, educational establishments, and government departments.
When not engaged in arm-crossing and beard stroking, Jonty enjoys showing his clients what happens when they really listen to their users. He writes, runs workshops, and talks publicly about design, usability, and design thinking.