Directed by Diego Luna, "Cesar Chávez" chronicles the birth of a modern American movement led by famed civil rights leader and labor organizer, Cesar Chavez. Torn between his duties as a husband and father and his commitment to bringing dignity and justice to others, Chavez embraced non-violence as he battled greed and prejudice in his struggle for the rights of farm workers. His triumphant journey is a remarkable testament to the power of one individual's ability to change the system.
Director: Diego Luna
Executive Producer: Emilio Azcárraga Jean, Haim Saban, Jeff Skoll, Jonathan King, Lianne Halfon, John Malkovich, Russell Smith, Gael García Bernal, Julián Levin, Rebecca O'Brien
Producer: Diego Luna, Lawrence Meli, Keir Pearson, Pablo Cruz
Screenwriter: Keir Pearson, Timothy J. Sexton
Cinematographer: Enrique Chediak
Editor: Miguel Schverdfinger, Douglas Crise
Production Designer: Ivonne Fuentes
Sound Designer: Frank Gaeta
Music: Michael Brook
Principal Cast: Michael Peña, America Ferrera, Rosario Dawson, Jacob Vargas, Yancey Arias, Wes Bentley, John Ortiz, and John Malkovich
Director Bio
Cesar Chavez, Diego Luna’s English language directorial debut will release in the U.S. on 3/24/14, starring Michael Peña. An established actor, Diego also directs and produces through his company Canana, a film, television, and branded content production company operating in Latin American and the U.S.
Public Film Contact
Amy Ortega
Pantelion Films