Your Desk Job Makes You Fat, Sick & Dead
With the technology to support mobile workstyles and a remote workforce, why are any of us still caught in the quagmire of the daily commute to our deadly desks, and will we ever see the day where big business decides to kill the office instead of its workers? The answer is YES! And it’s already happening. A revolution in remote work is afoot (startups take note!) In this session we’ll look at the facts about “workshifting” and remote workers and why it's the healthy choice for your business and humanity.

Cali Williams Yost has been pioneering ways to manage work and life in the new economy for nearly two decades. As a consultant, speaker, and CEO and founder of the Flex+Strategy Group/Work+Life Fit--and one of Mashable’s Top 14 Career Experts on Twitter—she's shows hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals how to partner for award-winning flexible work success. She is a graduate of Columbia Business School and the author of the recently released Tweak It: Make What Matters to You Happen Every Day, (Center Street/Hachette, January 2013) and the previous, Work+Life: Finding the Fit That's Right for You (Riverhead, 2004)

As Co-founder and Director of Brand Strategy for Citrix Podio, Jon Froda is a global leader in driving organizational change through the adoption of cutting edge collaboration tools. A former career musician turned entrepreneur, Jon spent years researching the area of social software, specializing in strategies and products that enhance knowledge-sharing and productivity across teams and professional networks. Jon joined Citrix after the company acquired Podio in April 2012 and continues to play an active role in spreading Podio to teams all over the world. Jon is a frequent speaker on the future of work and social technologies and holds a bachelor’s degree in International business and modern languages from Copenhagen Business School.

We consult with public and private sector employers and communities to help them both understand and communicate the business case for alternative workplace/workforce strategies such as telework, flexible work, hoteling, etc.
Based on a synthesis of over 2,000 case studies and research papers, we have created a proprietary Workplace Savings Calculator™ to quantify the bottom line benefits of emerging workplace strategies for US, UK and Canadian employers.
Our research shows that employers who embrace new ways of working can save up to $20,000 per employee per year, the result of increased productivity, and reduced turnover, absenteeism, and real estate costs. What's more, these programs have been proven to improve morale and work-life fit, reduce greenhouse gases, reduce stress, increase wellness, save employees time and money, improve disaster preparedness, and add employment opportunities for the unemployed, underemployed, retirees, and disabled.
Our research has been cited in hundreds of publications including the Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, and Globe & Mail.
I have authored three books including Undress For Success—The Naked Truth About Making Money at Home (John Wiley & Sons), and numerous white papers on the bottom line benefits of new workplace strategies and results-based management.
I have also co-authored an e-learning course called "The Case for Change" in collaboration with, a global leader in distributed work training. Fortune 500 companies are using it globally to help senior executives, middle managers, and other employees understand why new workplace strategies are needed.
It's time we made the road less traveled the way to work™.

Richard Leyland is an entrepreneur, writer and commentator on workplace technology trends. Richard has written for the BBC, PwC, Nokia, Toshiba and others, focusing on the impact of technology on how we live and work. Richard is the founder of WorkSnug, a global community and set of digital tools for mobile workers. WorkSnug is focused on locating the nearest and best laptop friendly spaces around the city.