Storytelling: The Next Wave of Engagement
RSVP Required - Social Media is evolving and storytelling is going to be next great tool to engage customers. Not sure you know what we mean?
Most of today’s content strategies involve publishing hundred of bits of content per month across social networks, without any cohesive story or narrative behind the content. These random pieces of information tell a story to your fans and customers, whether intended or not.
Are you telling the right brand story?
This hands-on session will help you:
· Identify the genre or type of story that you want to tell
· Develop a monthly story arc in your content calendar
· Create compelling, interesting characters your customers will want to engage
· Invite your customers to be in your story
· Frame your story within the Facebook Timeline layout
Attendees will gain skills in storytelling techniques and a framework for developing a monthly content calendar/storyboard to involve customers more deeply in their brand stories.
There are no special pre-requisites other than an understanding of social media engagement and strategy. The workshop is designed for intermediate to advanced level practitioners, but beginners would find it useful as well.
What to Bring:
Instructors will provide handouts, and url's where people can download the materials, but it would be helpful for people to bring a pen/pencil, and a device that they can take notes with.
To RSVP your seat for this workshop, please click on "Sign in to RSVP" in the upper right location of this page. You'll need to sign in using your SXsocial login information.

Carri Bugbee is an internationally known expert in social media marketing and social TV. She speaks at many conferences and events, writes about Social TV and entertainment for The Social Media Monthly, she’s a contributing author for The Big Book of Social Media: Case Studies, Stories, Perspectives, and she provides training in the strategic use of social technologies for businesses, executives, entertainers and organizations. She also taught social media marketing for 2 /12 years at Portland State University.
She has been featured and/or quoted in the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, The New York Times, Advertising Age, BusinessWeek, The Oregonian, CNET, The Daily Beast, the Oregonian and other publications.
Read Carri's full bio and connect with her socially at:

Mark is the Director of Social Strategy and Content Programming at LiveWorld. He's been developing online communities and social media campaigns and strategies for Fortune 500 brands since 1999.
Mark is also a professional actor, director and producer who blends his experience working with live audiences to weave social marketing tales that engage and involve customers for fun AND profit.
He's worked with major brands like P & G, Kraft, HBO, the NBA, QVC, Showtime, MTV, Scientific American, MINI, Johnson & Johnson, and American Express among others. He currently works for a well-known brand that you either love or hate, but his contract says he can't tell you who it is.
He holds a BA degree in History, an MFA in Theater, and has travelled quite a bit and been to 6 continents, including Antarctica, all of which inform his work a social marketer and storyteller.