Comedy Tech: How Funny Stuff Shapes Our Future
We know that Comedy and the internet go hand in hand but is there more to this marriage than meets the eye?
What's really behind the success of Funny or Die? , College Humor, and Cracked?
Do Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter all share this commonality?
Reach beyond cat videos and memes to see how behavioral scientists, journalists, a roboticist, and her robot are advancing our understanding of the world by tapping in to your funny bone and developing the algorithms that may be the key to unlocking The Humor Code.
All this AND the first robotic comic ever to perform at SXSW!

Joel Warner is a Denver-based writer whose work has appeared in Wired, Slate, Salon, the Boston Globe and many other publications. He blogs for, Huffington Post, and Psychology Today. He is one-half of "The Humor Code," a global exploration of what makes things funny culminating in a book to be published by Simon & Schuster in early 2014.

Roboticist at Carnegie Mellon University and founder of Marilyn Monrobot with a soft spot for interactive art & live robot performance. Executive director of NYC's Robot Film Festival, Robo-Tech on SyFy's Robot Combat League, engineer in comedy duo with Data the Robot!

Since 2008 Alf LaMont has worked with the top Comedy clubs in the country helping them define and refine their social media presence. His work has been featured on, Comedy Central Insider, Laugh Button, Laugh Spin, Venues Today, The Comic's Comic, and and Fifteen Minutes Media where he was referred to as a “Rising star of Social Media”. Alf has also been a featured speaker at Sports and Entertainment Venues Tomorrow Conference, 140 Conferences in NY and LA, The Gravity Summit, Social Media Week Los Angeles ,The Digital Media Conference West, The USC Anenberg School Center for The Digital Future as well as SXSW 2010, 2011, and 2012. He is a contributor to The Huffington Post and an avid fan of politics and science. He resides in Los Angeles where he is a partner at Adler Integrated. Go Broncos.

Dr. Peter McGraw, a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, is a leading expert in the interdisciplinary fields of emotion and behavioral decision theory. His research examines the interrelationship of judgment, emotion and choice, with a focus on consumer behavior, public policy, and his latest obsession – what makes things funny. Holding appointments in marketing at the Leeds School of Business and in social psychology in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, McGraw teaches courses in consumer behavior, decision making, and advertising.