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Turning PhD Concepts into Cocktail Conversations

#sxsw #lytrosxsw

You’ve created a disruptive new technology that’s going to revolutionize an industry – at least until you can figure out how to explain it to someone. Kira Wampler, VP of Marketing for Lytro, will discuss how to craft a compelling story about your product or technology and how to educate the average consumer about your breakthrough technology, and turn PhD concepts into cocktail conversations.
Kira will explain how to educate your potential market by revealing that the current mindset is stagnant and how the solution lies – of course – in your stellar new technology. She’ll walk through the stages of announcing a new product, and how to educate and excite a market on your product’s benefits – without getting too wrapped up in the details that fly over consumers’ heads. She’ll also discuss some of the grassroots and social media efforts that can bring your product closer to your ideal target, taking away the inaccessibility from the product.


Kira Wampler VP of Mktg Lytro