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Praise & A's: Maximizing a Millennial Workforce

#sxsw #GenYWorker

By 2014, Millennials (born between 1980-1995) will make up 36% of the workforce. This new group of workers, raised with technology and praise, brings a new set of expectations and demands. They were parented by overachieving Baby Boomers and GenXers who had their children running the rat-race in kindergarten. Primed at an early age to always think about their college application, these kids grew up in an era of grade inflation, extensive participation in extracurricular activities, and minimal free-range play. They rarely held paying jobs as teenagers, were constantly praised and given awards, and always included in decision making discussions with adults. This unique combination has created a workforce in need of a new type of supervisor. Learn core elements needed to attract, focus, and keep the most talented employees. Discover what makes this generation unique and what you can do to get the most out of their tenure in your organization.


Jennifer Selke Faculty UC Berkeley

Dr. Jennifer H. Selke is a U.C. Berkeley trained Licensed Educational Psychologist and runs one of the largest bay area summer camps. She specializes in teaching work/life skills to young adults that foster long-term job satisfaction and career success.

Tim Street SXSW Speaker - Web Series / Branded Entertainment Guy Ape Digital Inc

Tim Street is an American writer, producer, director, and author of the iPad Mystery Thriller Vids. He is one of the pioneers of using the Internet as a story telling device. Working in film and TV with studios like Disney, MGM, Paramount, Sony, Universal, Warner Bros and others Tim has created compelling and award winning branded content.