Digital Telepathy: When Every Thing Connects
Once upon a time, our phone, the fridge and TV were distinct devices, manufactured in distinctly different environments. Not anymore. Today, our devices share technologies in an unprecedented manner. We can use our phone to watch on-demand programming. When the power goes out, we may get a text notification from our fridge. If you're higher tech, the grocery list can transfer easily through your wireless network from your Smart Fridge to any device. Convergence and interconnection are the new name of the game, and along with apps and wireless networking, several revolutionary interconnection technologies will soon change every detail of our lives - forever. This is the Internet of Things - a future where people and objects communicate in unprecedented ways. In this panel we'll explore the dynamics of interconnection and convergence and address the need for a more interdisciplinary approach to design, engineering, development, communication and privacy. Hosted by IEEE.

Joe Weinman is responsible for leading Telx’s fast-growing cloud services business development and strategy. He joined Telx® with over 30 years of experience in executive leadership positions at AT&T, Hewlett-Packard, and Bell Laboratories, in areas such as corporate strategy, business development, product management, operations, and R&D.
Named a “Top 10 Cloud Computing Leader” by TechTarget, Weinman is a frequent keynote speaker, blogger and the founder of Cloudonomics—a rigorous, multidisciplinary approach to valuing the cloud. He is also the author of Cloudonomics: The Business Value of Cloud Computing (Wiley, 2012), available from booksellers worldwide in ebook and hardcover editions.
He has been awarded 16 U.S. and international patents in diverse fields and has been showcased in numerous global broadcasts, print and online publications.
He has a Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science from Cornell University and UW-Madison respectively, and has completed Executive Education at the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne.

I'm the President of the IEEE Standards Association and responsible for social media, university relationships, and standards at Synopsys. I have a degree in Electronic Engineering and am the author of “The Standards Game” blog and "The Ten Commandments for Effective Standards". I also host the monthly video/podcast, "Conversation Central" where technology and business leaders come to talk.

Oleg Logvinov is the Director of Market Development at STMicroelectronics’ Industrial & Power Conversion Division. After graduating from the Technical University of Ukraine (KPI ) with a Master ’s equivalent in electrical engineering, he worked as a senior researcher at the R&D Laboratory of the Ukraine Department of Energy at the KPI. During the last 20 years Mr . Logvinov has held various senior technical and executive management positions in the telecommunications and networking industry. Mr . Logvinov currently serves on the IEEE Standards Association ( IEEE-SA) Corporate Advisory Group and the IEEE-SA Standards Board. He also actively participates in several IEEE standards development working groups. Mr. Logvinov helped found the HomePlug Powerline Alliance and today serves as t he Chief Technical Officer of the Alliance. Mr. Logvinov is an inventor and frequent speaker at the industry events, and has a number of issued patents.

Wael William Diab works as a Senior Technical Director in the Office of the CTO at Broadcom. He is responsible for defining technical strategy for the Infrastructure & Networking Group (ING). Prior to Broadcom, Diab worked at Cisco in various technical, architectural, and business leadership roles, focused on next-generation networking products and technologies.
Diab is a Senior Member of the IEEE and was elected as the Vice-Chair of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group, serving in that position since 2008. Diab is a member of the IEEE-SA Standards Board and the IEEE Standards Education Committee (SEC). He was elected to the IEEE-SA Corporate Advisory Group (CAG) and serves as its Vice-Chair. He is also the IEEE-MGA liaison from and to the IEEE-SA.
Named winner of the 2011 TechAmerica Innovator Awards for his leadership in Green Technology, Diab was recognized by the David Packard Medal of Achievement and Innovator Awards for his leadership in the development of Energy Efficient Ethernet Networking solutions.
Diab holds BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, a BA degree in Economics from Stanford, and an MBA with honors from the Wharton School of Business. He holds over 125 US issued patents in the networking space.