Sitting Will Kill You. Can Mobile Save Us?
We all know the sad truth: the majority of working Americans are chained to their desks – namely, their computer screens – for eight hours per day and the “massive” obesity epidemic persists. Recent research suggests that sitting is killing people and the industry continues to debate the harmful health effects stemming from sedentary lifestyles, with many arguing that technology is only adding fuel to the fire. So if sitting is killing us, then can mobile save us? Forget traditional wellness programs - the healthiest workplace is one where employees are actively mobile.
Hosted by Sharon Mandler, VP, Senior Digital Strategist of Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, this session will bring together a group of leading health experts who will challenge old thinking about healthy workplaces and take a deep dive into the new technologies and devices that are coming to the rescue and mobilizing America’s workforce.

Fran Melmed is the founder of context, an award-winning communication and change management consulting firm that specializes in workplace wellness. She is also the creator of Hotseat, a mobile- and web-based employee wellness tool that turns short breaks into meaningful activity.

I'm a health economist and advisor working at the intersection of health, technology, and people. I work with organizations throughout the health ecosystem, from food and technology to providers, plans, pharma and public policy. I evangelize former Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin's view on health, that it's where we "live, work, play and pray." I blog at Health Populi and socialize self-care and -reliance at HealthcareDIY.

Dr. Katzmarzyk’s main research interest is the epidemiology and public health impact of obesity and physical inactivity, and determining the relationships between physical activity, physical fitness, obesity and related disorders such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, particularly in children and youth. Dr. Katzmarzyk has published his research findings in more than 275 scholarly journals and books, and regularly participates in the scientific meetings of several national and international organizations. He is currently an editorial board member for the International Journal of Obesity, International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, and Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. Dr. Katzmarzyk’s scientific advocacy efforts include the organization of an annual public health conference on childhood obesity at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, and chairing the research advisory committee for the development of Louisiana’s Report Card on Physical Activity and Health for Children and Youth. Dr. Katzmarzyk was recently appointed to serve on the President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Science Board.

Sharon believes digital strategy will save the world. That is, through the use of digital technologies we can help people lead healthier lives. At Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, Sharon leads digital strategy, including mobile, social and emerging technologies, for a broad range of clients.