Special Touch: Special Needs Apps Need You
Special needs kids range from children with cerebral palsy, autism, the blind...to name a few. The iPad and special needs apps allow kids to verbally communicate their basic needs and replaces expensive, bulky old devices into an affordable, mobile solution. These apps give a non-speaking child a voice to speak their minds. However, most special needs apps are poorly designed. Most of these app developers are either parents, doctors, therapists or educators who know conceptually how to enrich the lives of others — but lack interactive expertise to execute. With help from interactive experts, these developers could take their apps to the next level in design, usability and overall value to create amazing apps that could change the lives of many special needs kids forever. Join Kevin Sitek (a 15-year interactive design veteran and father of a child with cerebral palsy) to learn how interactive experts can make things better for special needs kids.

Kevin Sitek is a 15-year veteran in interactive and mobile advertising. He is currently a freelance senior art director in Manhattan and has worked for agencies such as Tribal DDB, Ogilvy and Digitas. Kevin is also a proud father. His oldest daughter, Lillie, has severe cerebral palsy. It was Lillie's fascination and love for the iPad that motivated Kevin to start his own blog, LilliesPad.com. Here he shares his knowledge of apps and accessories with the special needs community. Kevin has also written articles focusing on special needs apps for iPhoneLife Magazine. He is currently working on his first special needs iPad app.