Accessibility Meet Up
Meet up and chat with technology enthusiasts and digital creatives interested in universal access to technology for all people regardless of ability. Whether you work in the web or mobile field, government, or education come talk and learn about creating content accessible to people with disabilities. The accessibility meet up will be a great opportunity to network with like minded folks in the field. If you're new and curious about accessibility come learn why digital inclusion is a fun and exciting challenge that will broaden your audience and bring your products up to a higher level of usability while meeting government accessibility requirements.

Paul J. Adam has worked for the Federal Government as an Accessibility Manger at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). He's worked for the State of Texas as an Accessibility Specialist at the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS). He's worked as a web designer & trainer for UT-Permian Basin and A&M-Central Texas. Paul's accessibility focus is HTML, JavaScript, MS Office, PDF, iPhone, iPad, and training. He is an all around computer nerd enjoying making technology accessible to all individuals regardless of ability! Paul spends his spare time creating websites or learning iOS development.