The Real Responsive Process?
The web is not a fixed width. So if the medium is fluid, should the process be fixed? Fireworks and Photoshop are not flexible enough to demonstrate media queries, button and menu states, HTML5 and JavaScript behaviors, dynamic resizing of elements and navigation flow.
Diving into responsive design projects can be daunting. Old design practices are cumbersome when thinking in terms of web systems that will span a wide variety of devices and dimensions. Four industry leaders will delve into how they handle the responsive process or how they don't. A fluid process to match the fluidity of responsive design. Bam! We’ll also explore some of recent successes and failures while establishing why a responsive process is a responsible process.
One web to rule them all?

Steve is the creative team nerd-herder at Yellow Pencil in Canada. He leads the charge on coordinating research, visual and interaction design, and content strategy. On the global stage he's a sought-after speaker on topics like responsive web design, UX, open source, design thinking, and web process. He also loves Twitter (maybe a little too much).

Yesenia Perez-Cruz is a designer living in Philadelphia, PA. She works at Happy Cog, creating beautiful, functional design systems for clients like MTV, Zappos, and Harvard University. She has spoken at SXSW Interactive and AIGA, and teaches for GirlDevelopIt. You can find her on Twitter@yeseniaa. Her alter-ego Perez Chews is on a constant mission to find and devour the world's best foods.