#DigitalDiplomacy: Sweden, Switzerland, UK & US
If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world. Social media encourages us to share real-time information with the greatest number of connections, which can inspire real-world action. Governments now realize how this is shaping the future of nations and diplomacy. From Facebook and Twitter to YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, FourSquare, and beyond, how are foreign affairs departments adapting to this new digitally connected world? Moreover, how are embassies, consulates, and diplomats using social technologies for a new era of international relations? In this panel, the governments of Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, will unite to share insights on how their federal departments are integrating these new technologies. From cultural diplomacy to foreign policy, hear how these governments are leveraging social media to digitally represent their nations to the world.

Hilary is Director of the Office of Innovative Engagement in the Bureau of International Information Programs at the U.S Department of State, where she oversees the development and piloting of new technologies in support of the Department's public diplomacy mission. Prior to this, she was director of digital communications in the Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), where she pioneered ECA's social media outreach and managed a large project to convert ECA's websites to responsive and adaptive design. Hilary has a BA in Slavic languages and literatures from Indiana University and an MA in political science from The George Washington University.

Foreign policy and media professional. Mostly career Diplomat but with a few other strings to my bow - and always looking for new ones. Currently Press Secretary & Head of Comms at @UKinUSA; previously in London, Cape Town, Moscow and a stint at H+K.
I like foreign policy, news, innovation, technology. Fascinated by how organisations and individuals relate to each other, and how we can use new technologies in these interactions.
Thinker. Likes Macs, sax, muscle cars, EVs, gadgets. Excited by the future. Not James Barbour the Broadway actor - although we are friends and, apparently, distantly related.

Jennifer Charlton is the Communications Associate for the Consulate General of Switzerland in New York. She was hired in early 2012 to help launch a social media strategy for the Consulate, as part of Switzerland’s Federal Department of Foreign Affairs e-diplomacy pilot program. Previously Jennifer worked at a social media analytics startup in San Francisco and at advertising agencies in New York as a social media specialist.